Monday, January 20, 2014


Have you ever heard of the term FOMO? 
It's actually a thing. A real life thing.
It's an acronym for "Fear of Missing Out". 
The Urban Dictionary Definition for it is: "The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great."
Please tell me other people have it too! 

I can remember that fear as early as high school, you know when you find out a bunch of people you normally would hang out with either plan something when you can't go, or they don't even invite you and the next day you're all:
Anybody else feel me on this?! 
Some of my favorite people were invited to a blogger event and I'm all what about me?
None for Gretchen Wieners, #FOMO
I mean I gotta admit, it's not like the event organizers even have me on their radar, I'm pretty much a noob. I gotta give a shout out to the bloggers that did get invited because I know they're amazing and work super hard for the opportunities that come their way! 
But still don't you hate it when you don't get invited?
That is all. Have fun ladies if you got invited, and if you didn't, at least we can be in the FOMO club together! :) 


1 comment

  1. Oh, man, I'm SO sorry :( I totally missed you this week!! But just think- you'll be partying with me soooooon at BYBC!!! Ha-cha-cha!! Love your guts!!
